People use their garage for several things. Some use the garage as a home gym or office. Others prefer to store their cars and tools in this space. 

Regardless of how you use your garage, you want it to feel welcoming. Part of that welcoming feeling involves keeping the garage clean. 

That’s why many people use an epoxy garage floor coating to protect their floors. This garage floor paint often protects their floor and makes it more attractive. 

At least, it does so for a while. But, over time, your epoxy floor fades and yellows. The question is, why does this happen?

If that’s what you’re wondering, you’re in the right place! We’ll explore the answer to this question in the guide below.

Causes of Yellowing Epoxy Garage Floor Paint

Epoxy can protect your garage floor from several threats. However, this material remains vulnerable to several other factors as well. These vulnerabilities cause it to yellow and fade over time.

The first threat that can yellow an epoxy floor paint is UV light. Over time, UV light rays excite the epoxy resin’s molecules. This excitement causes the molecules to break down. 

This effect begins immediately upon the epoxy’s exposure to UV light. However, the yellowing effect takes time before it becomes visible. The longer the epoxy remains exposed to UV light, the worse the damage becomes. 

Another yellowing factor can be extensive water exposure. Epoxy products should remain in cool, dry places. If your garage floods often or traps humidity, the moisture can cause the epoxy to yellow from staining. 

Finally, extensive high temperatures can threaten epoxy resin products. These temperatures discolor the paint in a way similar to UV light. High temperatures can also cause the epoxy to bubble as it dries, leaving your floor uneven and disfigured. 

Are There Alternative Garage Floor Paint Products?

As you can see, epoxy floor coatings can cause several problems. These issues may lead you to wonder, “Are there other garage floor solutions I can use?”

The answer is yes! The best garage floor coating solution uses polyurea instead. Polyurea is much more durable than its epoxy counterpart, which we’ll demonstrate in the next section.

Why Polyurea Formulas Make the Best Garage Floor Coating

Polyurea solutions offer many advantages that epoxy paints can’t match. For example, polyurea floor coatings often have high levels of water resistance. 

As such, these compounds can help protect your concrete floors from sustained water damage. They also resist discoloration from extensive water exposure. 

The same holds for UV light. Although UV light is kryptonite for epoxy, it has little effect on polyurea. This floor coating can survive extensive UV exposure, as well as high temperatures. 

Polyurea solutions also dry much faster, making them less likely to bubble. Their many color options make them an attractive option, too!

Find the Best Garage Floor Paint Today

As you can see, polyurea outperforms epoxy garage floor paint in almost every way. So, where can you find these mixtures?

If you live in the Trumbull area, consider hiring us for your garage floor coating. We offer top-grade polyurea products for this community, so contact us today to receive a quote